Continuing Education

aka ... reading

We're always looking for great books to bend our thinking, change our view, and give us more tools in the toolbox. Without reading, at least every so often we be stuck. While every book and every topic doesn't fit all situations, having those extra tools, ideas and approaches are so important and certainly sets us apart.

Ask around. We found this isn't a practice most leaders, consultants, coaches, nor facilitators do. We feel strongly that new ideas, reading up constantly keeps us thinking and rethinking -- without it, we're missing out.

"There is a book you should read..."

While we're not fan of certificates and certifications - those expect a certain way of working and by extension, how to think and approach problems. We strive to have a wide variety of topics, and not always related to Product, Culture and Code. Below are some of those books we've found interesting, largely useful, beyond insightful, or just plain mind bending.

This list was last updated : Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The Infinite Game

Categories : Leadership | Culture

I refer this book to many of the leaders I talk to that are so deeply focused on the numbers. Your business never 'ends' so why are you playing like the clock will run out? This book covers it in spades

Atomic Habits

Categories : Product | Culture

I genuinely enjoyed this book and put its ideas and approach into practice. The gist of it is to start small and build out from there. Tons of actionable advice and useful references in this book

The Hard Thing about Hard Things

Categories : Culture | Product | Favorite

A very honest, gritty read on what goes on behind the scene of startup life. Everyone's successful and things are great yet they shut down the next day and everyone's out of a job.

Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making

Categories : Culture | Leadership

A reference guide - at least that's how I see it. Chapter 7 around managing long lists has been a good reminder, as well as what I carry on to my teams

What You Do Is Who You Are

Categories : Culture | Leadership

Another book from Ben Horowitz, this one takes a direct stab into the heart of culture. And I quote this book a lot.

Make Space

Categories : Culture

This was a surprise for me - I was looking for a space hacking book and this has way more 'build a thing' specifications than I was expecting. So bust out the drill and get ready to build a space from the ground up.

It's the Manager

Categories : Reference | Leadership | Culture

Gallup's research report of sorts. The result of a ...lot of studies and gives insights into whatever problem you're having. I use this to better my understanding of how/what/why an organization is doing what they're doing.

Impact Players

Categories : Culture | Leadership

Who are the people making the organization move forward? Now be that person.

The Black Swan

Categories : Leadership | Culture | Favorite

Another one of my absolute favorite books, this book talks about 'surprises' that had never happened before or never happened in a certain way. The title plays on the fact that a black swan didn't exist ...until one was seen for the first time.

High-Impact tools for Teams

Categories : Culture | Product

A workbook of sorts. I found the last two chapters (sections?) to be the most helpful. It brings in the psych and brings in suggestions for conflict - a much overlooked topic

The Culture Code

Categories : Culture

This takes a look at great, successful teams and how they work. A bit of the ideas have been refuted in other books (9 lies about work for instance) but great for looking inside of your own org for those awesome teams you may not have noticed yet.

Spy the Lie

Categories : Leadership | Culture | Product

A very well laid out book that I took tons of notes on. The authors do a fantastic job making things actionable and building out a framework of sorts to hear what others are not saying out loud ...especially useful when hiring.

Plays Well with Others

Categories : Culture | Leadership | Product

This one falls into the same camp as 9 lies about work - a lot of the 'wisdom' out there is flat out wrong, or at least doesn't tell the whole story'.

HBR's 10 Must Reads Box Set - Leadership and Strategy

Categories : Leadership | Culture

Harvard Business Review's box set. The best articles they have for those particular topics. They're not always late breaking and recent, but they're damn good.

Algorithms to Live By

Categories : Code | Reference

This is a fun book, in a lot of different aspects. I started using it immediately (optimal stopping) when I was trying to find a space at the airport and drove my wife nuts. It's sort of a nerdy book, but a lot of good, daily stuff to use.

Zero to One

Categories : Product | Culture | Startup

This book outlines the non-existence of something, to the first of something. The first google, the first facebook, the first of anything. At some point, it didn't exist... but now there's one.

Nine Lies About Work

Categories : Culture | Code

A brain breaker. This book takes a direct swing at 'shared truths', 'the way things are', and others inside of corporate culture ...and throws them out.

Left of Bang

Categories : Culture

A bit different book on this list, but explains the whole 'shift-left' in a different light. How do you stay left of bang, or when something goes wrong? A lot of insights and practical advice on identifying those events that move you closer to the bang.

Testing Business Ideas

Categories : Reference | Product

Lots of practical guidance on how to test your ideas. Not only a how-to, but also weighted. It's a great reference.

Leadership Strategy and Tactics: Field Manual

Categories : Leadership | Culture

Practical, no nonsense approach to leadership, being a good follower, and everywhere in between. A must read/listen for anyone going though a transformation


Categories : Culture | Leadership | Product

Ever notice adding people doesn't result in 1x increase in production? This book has given me words to explain those in the org that enhance individuals, and teams alike.


Categories : Code | Culture

Timing is everything, but -when- should you start? This does a fantastic job of giving examples and pairs very nicely with Algorithms to Live By.

The Lean Startup

Categories : Culture | Leadership | Startup

Still relevant years later! I'm not sure there's another book that's more cited than this in the startup world, and for good reason. It's nearly required reading at this point!

How Emotions are Made

Categories : Product | Leadership | Culture | Favorite

Total brain breaker here and another one of my favorite books. Bends and twists your way of thinking and made me question a lot of assumptions - it drove me to a different level of understanding too. It's a slow read and it made me think, a LOT.

Measure What Matters

Categories : Product | Culture

The OKR book. It outlines how to not suck at OKRs. Kind of rambles about half-way through, but still completely worth the listen.

Never Split the Difference

Categories : Product | Leadership | Culture | Favorite

Another fantastic book, mostly a reflection of the author's techniques when negotiations meant life and death. I cannot recommend this book enough - and also check out his MasterClass.

The Art and Science of Training

Categories : Culture | Leadership | Favorite

Do any kind of training? How do you know its sticky or how can you make these classes MORE sticky? This book has a lot of great info and I've started to imbue this with the various things I teach

Thinking Fast and Slow

Categories : Culture | Leadership | Favorite

One of my favorite books, as well as the cornerstone for a lot of other books. I cannot recommend this book enough. Period.
