How do you price your product? A real example. July 31, 2023 / 1415 At some point, a price has to be set for a product. Here's a real-world example of how a company landed on a number. Read
Build TO the problem June 24, 2020 / 2319 Build to the problem, not for a problem that isn't there Read
Navigating Crisis - Create a Wartime Roadmap April 20, 2020 / 1983 Everything has went sideways with the pandemic and it's left many companies scrambling - how they did business is no longer how you do business now what? Read
Transformation Status : Failure April 07, 2020 / 2523 Why transformations fail and a lot of thoughts and observations around it Read
New site, new feel, new ...everything September 15, 2019 / 769 New site, new feel, new ...everything Read